Monday, October 1, 2007


What an interesting story. I grew up listening to the story of the birth of Jesus when my grandmother read it directly from the bible. I don't remember Mary ever giving birth by a palm tree, nor being showered with dates. Where was Joseph also? In the story in the bible Mary gives birth to the baby Jesus in a stable with animals around her and Joseph is right beside her. Where are the shephards also? Even the animated story on the birth of Jesus shows these happening.

Another thing about this piece is God judging man. Every story I've ever heard has told of God judging man individually on what he has personally done in life. Not standing together with other men and devils. Being raised christian this goes against some things I was taught.

Some of the more current history on the East is a little familiar to me. There were a few things I do remember from listening to the news as they were happening. I remember the debate over dependence on oil from the Middle East.

The history on the "Orient" was pretty interesting also. I like how they have it broken up into different areas. It gives you a much better idea just how large the "Oreint" really is and how many countries are considered the Orient.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I thought it was interesting too, the part about how vast the Orient really was. I also agreed with what Edward Said....said...hehe about how we clump all these different groups into generalized terms like "America" and "Arabic" though they are much more complex than what they seem. And really cute picture! :)